Thursday, March 26, 2009

Snow Day! 3/26/09

A big snow storm came through Denver today which gave us a good excuse to stuff Harrison in the cozy bundler he got from Aunt Jane and Uncle Doug and take him outside for some fun photos. He was quite amused with the bundler and laughed when I got him into it. He was a great sport in the snow too!

I Love Hippo! 3/26/09

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

I've had a really rough day! 3/24/09

Harrison went to the doctor today for his 4-month check-up and got his next round of vaccines. He's doing great and weighed in at 15 pounds 3 ounces and measured 25.75 inches long. However, he did not like his vaccinations at all! He cried for a long time at the office and then had another meltdown at home. This picture was taken after we got some Tylenol in him and he calmed down and finally fell asleep. Poor little guy -- hopefully he'll feel better tomorrow.

Learning to Laugh - 3/22/09

Harrison is starting to giggle a lot and once he gets going, almost anything keeps him laughing!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Four Months Old!! 3/21/09

For Harrison's four-month birthday, we took him to the park for his first picnic. He loved it! He was fascinated by the passing cars and people -- which made taking his picture difficult because he was always turning his head to follow the cars! We even got a treat from the ice cream truck, but Harrison let us eat all of that -- for now.

Meet my little friend, 'Bella'...I'm holding her up all by myself!

....Another picture of me at home

Nana's Visit - 3/16/09

This is Nana making me laugh!

I Love Bathtime - 3/14/09

Me and My Friend, Cat-in-the-Hat - 3/12/09

Me and Blankie - 3/11/09