Saturday, February 25, 2012

Happy 18 months Old!! 2/25/12

I cannot believe our little guy is already 18 months old!! Happy Day, little buddy! We love you!!!

UPDATE:  Declan went for his 18-month check-up on February 28th and weighed 25 and 1/2 pounds (45th percentile) and was 32 and 1/2 inches tall (55th percentile). He was tense and anxious as soon as we got to the office because I think he figured out what was in store for him...then the screaming never stopped once we were in the examination room! Poor little guy...he was terrified. At least there are no more shots until kindergarten.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Harrison...Live and in Concert! 2/23/12

Harrison has started to really love music and singing. He participated in an African music presentation at the Denver Museum of Nature and Science yesterday; and today he was singing lots of songs to us! Check out his little concert in the videos below.

Peek-a-boo! 2/20/12

Declan had fun playing a game of 'peek-a-boo' with Harrison the other day...or maybe it was hide and seek. Either way they seemed to be having fun!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Lizards & Snakes!! 2/14/12

 We went to see the new 'Lizards and Snakes' exhibit yesterday at the Museum of Nature and Science. It was full of live snakes and lizards, including a python, cobras, gila monster, and lots of other creepy and poisonous things that I'm glad were on the other side of the glass! They took these cute pictures with the anaconda image for free for anyone that wanted to pose.

 On our way in! Harrison was very excited...but, I think Declan was just cold.

 After checking out all of the snakes and lizards, we stopped at the 'Kid's Zone' to play and explore. Our first stop was coloring dinosaurs and snakes.

 Harrison spent some time digging for dinosaur bones...

 ...while Declan tried to build a house!

 Then, Harrison participated in his first science experiment! They made goo!! I'm not sure what the commercial name is for it, but I know I have seen something like it before...gooey and stretchy gel-like stuff with glitter mixed in.

While Harrison was doing his science experiment, Declan and I played with all the puzzles...and he spent some time helping one of the volunteers play the piano, as well. It was a fun day!!

Happy Valentine's Day!! 2/14/12

Harrison and Declan had a great Valentine's Day! They had fun opening more cards and eating candy. We also checked out the Science Museum and went out for dinner for homemade spaghetti.

Multitasking - 2/13/12

Harrison was a doing a great job of multitasking the other day...building with blocks AND potty training Fuzzy at the same time! I guess Fuzzy needed some close monitoring that day.

A Valentine's Day Snack with Finn - 2/12/12

Harrison's friend, Finn, came over to play on Sunday and we had a mini Valentine's Day party at snack time. They all had a lot of fun!

A Winning Combination! 2/10/12

Harrison and Declan got $$$ and valentines in the mail from Grandpa and Grandma...and Harrison couldn't spend his money fast enough! He called it 'having dollars'. Declan is so adorable, too.. he doesn't get the money concept, but every time he gets a card from anyone, the first thing he always does is kiss the's so sweet. He does the same thing with the fact, this morning he was playing with the phone and got that recording about hanging up and trying again...and, when he heard the recorded voice he kissed the phone...I guess he is not picky about showering his affection!!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Relaxing with My Cartoons - 2/7/12

Too bad Declan isn't this mellow ALL the time!

Valentine's Day Crafts - 2/6/12

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Story Time - 2/4/12

 In his 'crippled' state, Harrison decided to start reading books to us! It's very cute...he looks at the pictures and makes up the story as he goes! First, he read me 'Frog and Toad' and then moved onto 'Cookie Monster and the Cookie Tree'. He is a good little storyteller.

iPad Addict! - 2/4/12

Winter Wonderland - 2/4/12

 Winter came to our house in a big way over the last few days! Too bad, Harrison hasn't wanted to walk since Wednesday or he could go play in the snow. He twisted his ankle and refuses to walk on it. He had to get x-rays on Thursday to make sure it wasn't fractured. But, there is no fracture and the doctor says it is strained and Harrison will decide when he is ready to walk again. For now, he just pulls himself around on the floor.

Breakfast with Buddies - 1/30/12