Saturday, April 30, 2011

Me and My Balloon- 4/30/11

Harrison got a balloon from a birthday party he attended today and it turned out to be the highlight of Declan's day! He loved that balloon!

And, here are a few videos of Declan playing with the balloon...

Bath Time! - 4/29/11

Welcome to 'Chateau Harrison and Declan' - 4/29/11

Circle of Fun - 4/29/11

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Buddies! 4/28/11

It is so much fun to watch the brotherly bond begin to form between these little guys!

Helping With the Laundry - 4/27/11

The Beginnings of Sibling Rivalry - 4/25/11

At dinner the other night, Harrison and Declan started antagonizing each other and I couldn't resist taking some pictures and videos.

Here they are in action.....

Finally, My Brother is Taking a Nap and I Can Play with His Trucks! 4/25/11

Monday, April 25, 2011

Saturday, April 23, 2011

The Easter Bunny Came to Our House!!

"The Easter Bunny was here!"

"What did he leave for us?"

"I wonder that this is??"

"I'll help you check it out!"

"I got a new bucket to play in the sand!"

"Hey, what does Harrison have over there? I probably want it."

Happy Easter!!