Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year!! 12/31/11

It's been a wonderful year!!! And, our little guys decided to end it on a goofy note. I guess they were well rested after their naps today and ready to head into the new year with smiles! All the best to everyone in 2012!

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Hide and Seek! 12/28/11

Declan has discovered the coat closet at the top of the basement stairs...and more importantly, he has realized that he can open the door. He loves to climb up the stairs, open the closet door and hide inside. Then he opens and closes the door, peeks out, and giggles!! I caught him in action in the video below. Silly little guy!

Christmas Evening at Aunt Jane's - 12/25/11

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas!!

 Santa Claus visited our house!

 And, family and friends filled our downstairs tree with even more gifts.

 Santa didn't forget the stockings!

 Oh boy! Santa brought us a car just our size!

 Vroom! Vroommm!

 Maybe we can we both fit! 

 A football!

 And Santa brought a flatbed truck and car for Declan (Harrison assisted with everyone's unwrapping)!

A train for Declan...

...but, he was mostly interested in the tissue paper.

 More food for my kitchen!


 My stocking is full!!

 Santa brought Harrison the 'Finn' he asked for in his letter!

 Finally, some edible items!

 Expression of joy (I think)!

 Maybe this is a sandwich truck!  :)

 After breakfast, we were ready to open the presents downstairs!

A see-and-spell toy for Harrison.

A shape-sorting toy for Declan.

Very serious about opening this gift while sitting in his new chair from Lisa.

Declan thought Harrison's new shirt made a nice scarf!

A firetruck!

More Legos!

Declan loved the new blanket that I got for Christmas...he kept plopping himself down on it like he was going to take a nap.

The End.
Merry Christmas, Everyone!!

And, lots of videos.....

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas Eve Festivities!! 12/24/11

 Merry Christmas from our family to yours!

 For Christmas Eve, Jane and Doug came over to help us celebrate with Christmas cookies, dinner, dessert, and wine.

 Christmas Eve dinner was delicious! 
Baked potato soup, ham and cheese scones, and chocolate molten cakes.

 Declan also decided to test out the cookies for Santa to make sure they were acceptable.

 We let Harrison and Declan open the present they got from the little girl next was a singing Elmo! The gift was a big hit, although I'm not sure Declan knew quite what to make of it (see video) and the microphone lasted about 10 minutes before being accidentally dropped in the toilet.

 Then, it was time to prepare a plate of cookies and milk for Santa!

 This was fun at first...

 ...until Declan realized these cookies were not for him to eat!

 Making sure everything is just right for Santa's visit.

Final cookie arranging and then off to bed! Sweet dreams.

And videos...