Monday, February 22, 2010

What a Day! 2/22/10

Harrison had a lot going on today! Kevin started his job, so Harrison went to his first day of daycare, then on to the doctor for his 15-month check-up and vaccinations. He did great with everything and as you can see from the picture above, he even earned a sticker from the nurse at the doctor's office. She made a big deal about how painful this set of shots was and how it would get really sore and painful, but he only cried for a second at the office and never seemed to care after that at all. He weighed 24 pounds and was 32 inches long. At daycare, he started working on a turtle for this week's art project and met all of his new friends. He had some trouble napping and didn't eat lunch, but as he adjusts, I'm sure sleeping and eating will make it back to the top of his priority list! Overall, he was a very happy guy considering everything he had going on today!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Meet my new friend! 2/14/10

My little condo - 2/14/10

I wonder what's going on in here??

Hey, look! I fit perfectly -- just a little cozy...

...I've had enough of this for now.

Time for Some Juice - 2/14/10

Hmmm...this looks refreshing....

...I think I'll share with my friends!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

I'm a Jedi Knight (or something like that)!

I finished using a roll of wrapping paper today and gave the empty tube to Harrison. He thought it made a great toy!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Play time! 1/31/10

We took Harrison to the mall to play on the giant breakfast food yesterday and he had a lot of fun. Even though he was one of the smallest ones there, he mingled in with all the other kids who were running and jumping around him and didn't seem the least bit intimidated!