Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Beating the Summer Heat! 7/25/11

I took Harrison and Declan to 'Little Monkey Bizzness" to play yesterday and then decided to take a look around the outdoor mall where it is located. First, we found a neat toy store (which was, of course, fun for playing with lots of trucks), then we ran into a water fountain! Harrison wanted to try it out and had a GREAT time!!

Declan watched from the sidelines in the shade of an umbrella...he really seemed to enjoy watching all the fun!

And, there was a chocolate chip cookie break! We had a fun day in and out of the sun!

Monday, July 25, 2011

Eleven Months Old!!! 7/25/11

I Have Two Very Important Teeth to Brush! 7/24/11

Declan thinks it is very amusing to watch Harrison brush his teeth...so he had to try it out!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Lost in Dream Land - 7/17/11

Grandpa and Grandma's Visit! 7/16/11 - 7/18/11

Grandpa and Grandma came to visit us!

We had so much fun....

We went to an Indian restaurant in Boulder. Declan loved the rice and sauce, but Harrison passed on the Indian food. We also checked out an Ethiopian restaurant the following night and Declan liked that food, as well!

Harrison scored a sandbox!! Thanks, Grandma and Grandpa!

He also got to go for a few rides in Grandpa's truck....EXCITING!!

Declan skipped the truck ride, but had fun hanging out.

Getting into the Line-up - 7/13/11

Harrison decided he and Fuzzy needed to be part of his truck line-up!

Monday, July 11, 2011

Fun at the Zoo! 7/10/11

The carousel was the main event on the trip to the zoo. Declan loved riding on one of the animals that moved up and down. We tried to convince Harrison to ride next to him on an animal that didn't move, but he stuck with the peacock bench!

Ready to go!

Happy to ride with Daddy!

Holding on like an expert!!

Playing in the new water area for kids.

Snack time!

Ahoy Matey! 7/8/11

I'm Going Shopping! 7/6/11

"Do you need anything from the store?"

Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy Birthday, America! 7-4-11

Since we told Harrison that today was the birthday of 'America', we decided to sing 'Happy Birthday' and have a little birthday party with cupcakes! The video below shows Harrison singing and wishing everyone a 'Happy 4th of July'!

Declan was intrigued by his cupcake, but refused to taste it.

Independence Day!! 7/4/11

Happy 4th of July!

To celebrate the holiday, we went to an old-fashioned historic festival at the site of the oldest standing structure in Denver.

Harrison panned for gold.

Kevin and the little guys posed with the buffalo.

We checked out a blacksmith shop in action (while enjoying our homemade root beer!)

Harrison got to play in an old stage coach
While Declan and I relaxed in the shade...it was HOT!

Harrison loved this building...this was where cookies were being baked in an old-fashioned wood stove...yummy!

Everyone was tired after the festival and we never did find any cake (Harrison thought there should be a birthday cake there since we told him it was our country's birthday)...so maybe we'll have cupcakes tonight!