Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Big Shoes to Fill - 8/26/09

Harrison found Kevin's shoes on the floor and seemed to think they made pretty neat 'toys'. He started rolling around with a shoe in tow by holding onto the shoestring. In the video you can see that on his first try he realizes the shoe did not make the trip with him, so he scoots back over to retrieve it and try again.....

Monday, August 24, 2009

Me and my sweet potato puffs!

I thought I should give these 'puffs' another try since they keep showing up in front of me and daddy keeps eating them...

....I had a little trouble getting them in my mouth at first

.....but, I'm thinking these things have potential; they could turn out to be lots of fun!

Those shots didn't slow me down at all!

Harrison had his 9-month check-up today and his pediatrician says he is doing great and growing well. He's still near the top of the chart for height and not far behind for weight and head circumference. A very healthy little boy. And the doctor found a tooth too! It has barely broken through the gum, but you can feel it. Harrison also got two vaccinations, but didn't mind at all and was smiling at the nurse within seconds and played at home as if nothing happened at all. Such a little trooper.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Push-ups are so much fun!

Harrison's new thing is doing 'push-ups' ...lots of push-ups! It seems as if he does it when he is trying to get to a toy or something he wants. Even though it doesn't get him any closer to what he wants, it does seem like he thinks it will turn into a mode of travel. I guess we'll see how it evolves...

Monday, August 17, 2009

What kind of food is this? 8/16/09

We tried giving Harrison a 'finger food' (melt-in-your mouth puffs), but he wasn't really into it. He first thought is was a new toy and found it very amusing...
...he finally 'pretended' to try it, but never really got it into his mouth. When we tried to put it in his mouth, he sealed his lips up very tight. Guess he's not into solids yet -- but, on the positive side, Kevin found them very tasty so at least they won't be wasted!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Me and Aunt Jane

Harrison's Aunt Jane has been visiting the states for most of the summer, but left today to return to Russia for awhile.....Harrison wants to know who's going to take him on all those long walks during the day!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Monday, August 3, 2009

My Daddy is so FUNNY!!

When Kevin starts making silly faces and playing peek-a-boo with Harrsion, he laughs until he squeals! His laughter is definitely contagious -- just watch the video.