Monday, February 28, 2011

All Smiles! 2/28/11

Our cute little "Chia Pet"

Making Cornbread with Grandpa - 2/27/11

Harrison was a great little helper in the kitchen when it came to mixing up some cornbread.

Ahhh...the anticipation!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Moving up to a Seat at the Table - 2/20/11

Howdy Partner! 2/19/11

I'm growing my hair straight up until gravity takes over - 2/19/11

Declan's First Vegetable! 2/19/11

"Something new again?"


"I think I like carrots!"

Bouncy Time - 2/18/11

Enjoying My Weekly Manicure - 2/16/11

It's not quite the spa, but Declan is always very cooperative about getting his nails cut!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Messy Guy!! 2/9/11

These pictures tell the story all by themselves...

Harrison did manage to get some paint on the paper, also....

Special Reward - 2/8/11

Harrison earned a special potty training reward, he helped make (and eat) cookies!

A New Place at the Table - 2/8/11

In anticipation that Declan will soon be needing a high chair, we moved Harrison to the table for meals. He had his first meal at the table with his new booster chair yesterday!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Snow Fun!! 2/6/11

There was plenty of snow for playing today at our house, so I took Harrison out in the backyard to explore the fluffy stuff!

He loved walking around in the snow and digging.

He dropped the rock he had found on the side of the house...and had a little trouble finding it!

I tried to help him build a snowman, but he was more interested in taking apart the snowball instead of building it.

He even made a great....

snow angel!